SKU: GFRITACA008 Category:

Short, dotted, light blue, crystal glass.

Style: El clásico vaso old fashion, decorado con modernos círculos que texturizan el vaso teñido en un azul cielo. Una versión actual y contemporánea de diseño para el clásico de la mixología y coctelería. Su forma cónica y de boca ancha, a la par del decorado, hacen de esta pieza un vaso atractivo y versátil.

Ideal Use: The classic glass is now adorned with modern circles that texturize it alongside a light blue color, making it a contemporaneous version of the traditional design. Its conical shape and wide mouth, on par with the decorative circles make this an attractive and versatile piece.
Recommended for any table setting, from serving water to serving alcoholic drinks, it won’t fail.

Additional features: Perfect for serving drinks, desserts and other entries. Preferred, but not exclusively, by the restaurant and events sectors; it’s easy to clean and handle, heat-resistant and lead free.

Manageability: Packed in practical cardboard boxes, makes distribution, storage and transport processes faster, rendering it the best bet for any event. Orders can be delivered in 121 box pallets, for a total of 1,452 units.


Weight: 297 g
Capacity ml:

Capacity ounces:


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